BIG things happened for Jason and I in 2012. Although it had a few challenging times (think multiple doctor's appointments and needles combined with the stress of building our first home!) overall it was a very successful year! We built and moved into a house and found out we were pregnant with two little miracles! I'd say that makes for a very good year. So I thought I'd start 2013 by reminiscing on 2012 and stating our hopes for this new year!
January: We celebrated my niece's 2nd birthday!
February: was sort of low key. Most of our month was spent finalizing house plans to begin building.
March: We broke ground and began digging the footing for our long awaited home!
April: I celebrated my 28th birthday and more progress was made on the house!
This was also the month we met with a fertility specialist and began the roller coaster that is fertility treatments. With lots of doctors appointments....
....and even more medicine and needles!
MAY: We saw my sister Corie off to her senior prom!
And watched her graduate high school!
JUNE: was a busy month! Jason and I celebrated two years of marriage! Although we did not celebrate with a big trip this year, we spent the day watching our wedding video...
and reminiscing and looking through photos of our 1 year anniversary trip the year before to London, Paris, and Rome.
June also brought a family reunion on my mom's side of the family and my aunt, cousins, and grandmother from dad's side came up from Texas for a week.
My sisters and I at the McSpadden family reunion.
My cousins and grandmother
JULY: We celebrated Jason's 28th birthday and spent lots of time beating the heat in my mom's pool with our favorite two year old.
July was also the month we underwent our first IVF treatment.
Mason and Madeline's first baby picture! ha!
AUGUST: Was an exciting month because we announced to our family that....
A few weeks later we found out....
SEPTEMBER: I helped throw a bridal shower for my best friend, Megan, who was set to get married in November.
OCTOBER: Our house was finished and we moved into our brand new home! FINALLY! All the stress and decisions paid off!
NOVEMBER: I was honored to be the Maid of Honor and Jason an usher in our good friends Megan and Nigel's wedding.
This was also the month of our gender reveal party!!!

DECEMBER: Started off kind of scary with 4 days in the hospital and being told no more work for me in order to keep these babies from coming too early.
Then it was time for my favorite time of year! Christmas!
It was even a white Christmas!
We spent New Years Eve at home this year. A first for us, but I am obviously not supposed to be doing much, and Jason had to work the next morning. No champagne toasts for us this year. In fact I had bowl of Lucky Charms cereal in bed and we watched the ball drop in New York on tv at 11:00 and were asleep by 11:15. Oh how the times have changed :) Today Jason worked and I spent the morning on the couch watching the Rose Bowl Parade. Made me miss living in Pasadena! Jason and I used to run the path around the Rose Bowl Stadium when we lived there. It was such a neat town and quick 20 minute drive to LA. Some days I really miss traveling, but it's so nice to be around family and have an actual set home! Packing every three months gets a little old!
We have a lot to look forward to in 2013. Two very precious things in particular. We hope this year brings us two healthy babies, to finish decorating and furnishing our new home, and of course health and happiness for us, our friends, and family.
So Happy New Year everyone!
Love your gender reveal :). Still thinking about you and the twins! Being on bed rest too my New Years seemed pretty similar! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeletedefinitely different but whatever keeps those babies in there!
DeleteA good year indeed, but 2013 will be even better with little Madeline and Mason :) So excited for you!!
ReplyDeleteThank Andrea! We are looking forward to all the fun and chaos!
DeleteWhat an exciting year! Ok, the Christmas cards... HOW STINKIN' ADORABLE! PERFECT;)
ReplyDeletePraying for you and those sweet babies;)
Thank you Natalie! Hope your little guy is doing well! He is a cutie!
DeleteWhat a year for you and Jason! Glad you are blogging this as one day you will want to print the blog off as a book which can be done. Keeping you, Jason, Mason and Madeline in my prayers. I can't wait to hold them.
ReplyDeletesweet niece, love to get between her legs and lick her, little pigtails for m to hold too while she sucks me, my girls all got licked and daddys c--k in their mouths long before 2