We had our 20 week anatomy scan with our doctor today. And yes it is still and boy and girl! Jason was sweating thinking they were going to see something different!
Everything looked great according to our doctor. The ultrasound tech and the doctor kept saying "These are good size babies! Especially for twins!" They are both in the 54-57% percent tile for their size. They told me twins are usually much below this, so the doctor was very pleased and kept saying that whatever I'm doing I need to keep at it because I'm growing big strong babies.
Although this is a huge relief for a worry-wart like me to hear, it's also a little frightening! My sisters and I all weighed 8 and a half pounds at birth, Jason weighed over 9 pounds, and Jason's brother was almost 11 pounds!!! I'm convinced we are going to have two 8 pound babies by the time they are born! Holy cow...freaks me out! That's a lot of baby to be carrying, but if it means they are strong and healthy and don't have to go in the NICU for any amount of time then I will deal with it!
I am 20 weeks and measuring at 26 weeks in my belly. I guess that's what happens when you have two little ones in there! I told ya I just woke up 2 weeks ago and looked down and thought....where did this BUMP come from??? I told Jason he now has to get off my case and stop making me eat ALL THE TIME. However, I think after Jason heard the doctor say to keep up whatever it is we've been doing, it has only encouraged him more.
Madeline is the bigger baby at 13 ounces and Mason is 11 ounces. They are laying opposite directions (feet to head) in the womb. They are both in separate sacs but you could still see them kicking and hitting at each other. It was pretty funny. I see lots of timeouts in their future if they keep that up ;)
Mason cooperated really well for the pics and we got a great shot of his little face.
Mason Dallas Rimini |
Madeline was a bit more shy and kept burying her face away from the ultrasound wand. Her picture isn't as clear and had to be taken from further away due to her position so it's a little harder to see.
Madeline Sophia Rimini |
Granny bought the babies their first pair of Sperry's. How cute are they?
Jason is going to kill me for posting this but it was so sweet I had to. He leaves for work before I even roll out of bed in the morning and still takes the time to have breakfast made (most days) and pack me a lunch. He has done such a wonderful job of taking care of me, cooking every night, and making sure I don't do too much. And even though I give him a hard time for quizzing me on whether or not I ate enough, or had enough protein, or drank enough water, etc., etc., I really do appreciate the fact that I have such an involved and thoughtful husband. I love you Jason! I can't imagine going through all this without you by my side.